View Profile MorrowDays

Morrowdays @MorrowDays

Age 30, Male




Joined on 5/24/06

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MorrowDays's News

Posted by MorrowDays - March 13th, 2008

Hey everyone, this a radimaTERRIDACTULAR notification of the impressiveness of the new collab by the one and only SKATE FLASH CLUB, with which we of the SFC are quite pleased with.

It was created by Four individuals, Me, Mraw, Tommy, and
G-Force, who started work on it in mid december, hoping to finish it in about five days. Haha. Well, we didnt finish it in just five days, no, we didnt. We took our time and spent a fair while longer on it, but dont be worried, it wasnt actually the whole three month period that this has been on hold for. Here's the SFC blog post!

The first major collab to be co-authored to the SFC was released, making today, March 13, an extremely memorable day.

Yes indeed. In mid December, Four amazing SFC creators, Morrowdays, Mraw, Tommy, and G-force, embarked on an incredible journey into the unknown world of...


...and we all had a lot of fun! The parts turned out really well which made it easy to sequence and then add credits on to. Dont forget the great music by BacterialBag!

We hope you enjoy it, we had loads of fun making it, and yeah, thats about it!


and That's that!


Posted by MorrowDays - February 6th, 2008

I probably should do this more frequently.

Well, these past few months have been really great in terms of collaborating with other artists, I've been lucky enough to work with TheBoogley in the Face Collab, Tommy and Marcy vad Flaaten in the Smoking Kills Collab and the One Layer Collab, which have all been really fun. All three turned out really well and I'm glad people liked them.
Its also interesting to see how people react to a collab on the front page as opposed to a solo submission. I'm starting to notice its generally pretty negative, but I wont go any further on that because some of you might think Im just whining. ;) And in any case, the process of working with other people is far more valuable than whatever comments are left afterwards.


The Sprockets, Jump Cuts, Young Filmmakers Competition is coming up and we're all making films for that as an assignment in class. Me and a friend, G-Force, are working on a stop motion/flash hybrid technique which I've done rough trials with, I'm hoping for an interesting contrast between poppy, colorful vector animation and smooth timelapse in the background. As well as that, I'll probably submit a few works from this past year as entries as well, like Treekeepers, Drear, and To the Roots. The due date for the assignment is something like March the fifth, so we'll have it up here on NG some time around then. We have it all storyboarded, so all thats left to do is actually get out and create it.

I've been a member of the SFC for a little while and its been really great, jestar, lochie, marcy, tommy, mraw, g-f-d, and cronic have all influenced and taught me many different aspects of skate animation, and let me say, even if you feel comfortable in flash, and you can animate fairly well, skate animation is HARD. I'm trying to bring something new to the table with a heavy emphasis on the art elements in the backgrounds, and its lots of fun. Im working on my first full length skate piece which is about 10, 15 seconds long at this point, with all of the scenery/skate-able terrain drawn out and ready to be skated. Its pretty cool.

As well as both of those, I've started work on a game. Woo. Out of the three projects, I'm probably most excited about this one because well, its a GAME! I've never made one before! It just seems like a really interesting field that is to me, unexplored territory. Over the two years that I've been on NG, I've been influenced by Notorious a fair bit, so the game isnt going to be your basic platformer, although now the idea of a "basic" platformer seems a little weird because of such innovation like the Unfair Platformer and Shift, which I must applaud the EXP for. I've beaten it, but my dad gave up on like, level four. Anyways, its not like Noto's A Dream, with beautiful storyline aspects and artwork, and a variety of different puzzles, its hard to describe, because it isnt a mouse maze game either... I dunno, Im enjoying making it so far, I can tell you that. :)

The Yeah Right 2 Collab. Lots of fun, I think it'll make newgrounds history, again! ^_^ I've made two parts and Im working on my third, and once everyones done their share, cronic will sequence it and it will be awesome. If you know a thing or two about animating, go check it out, theres always a risk that people will drop out, and its good to have back ups. :)

Thats all for now folks, hopefully this should saturate all of your MORO needs.

*seal of morrowdaysiness*

Posted by MorrowDays - December 12th, 2007

There sure seem to be alot of them! I know fishhook is putting a red and white christmas special on as soon as he finishes the sixth black and white collab, which should be quite nice. In the Skate Flash Club Im hosting a snowboarding collab that'll be done for christmas, and if you want to join you're more than welcome to, but make sure you join the SFC first! :)
Christmas is a time for sharing, and I think doing lots of collaborations is a great way to keep the spirit up.

Happy Holidays!


Christmas Collabs!

Posted by MorrowDays - November 1st, 2007

Or treat? happy halloween everyone!

I'd love it if anyone is willing to submit it to the experimental collection. :)

Posted by MorrowDays - August 30th, 2007

it came out a while ago, but since I only get one FP post a week, its here now.

spread the word people, spread the word.