Hey everyone, this a radimaTERRIDACTULAR notification of the impressiveness of the new collab by the one and only SKATE FLASH CLUB, with which we of the SFC are quite pleased with.
It was created by Four individuals, Me, Mraw, Tommy, and
G-Force, who started work on it in mid december, hoping to finish it in about five days. Haha. Well, we didnt finish it in just five days, no, we didnt. We took our time and spent a fair while longer on it, but dont be worried, it wasnt actually the whole three month period that this has been on hold for. Here's the SFC blog post!
The first major collab to be co-authored to the SFC was released, making today, March 13, an extremely memorable day.
Yes indeed. In mid December, Four amazing SFC creators, Morrowdays, Mraw, Tommy, and G-force, embarked on an incredible journey into the unknown world of...
...and we all had a lot of fun! The parts turned out really well which made it easy to sequence and then add credits on to. Dont forget the great music by BacterialBag!
We hope you enjoy it, we had loads of fun making it, and yeah, thats about it!
and That's that!
Nicely done!
Got a good line up of animators there.
When I first saw this post, I thought it was going to be talking about Cardboard City. But this is equally as cool
Cardboard City's up next, I didnt want to do a shared news post, it divides the readers attention.