hey everyone! I've been pretty awol for a while.
near the end of the school year I was feeling pretty good about getting some projects happening over the summer, especially with this fun camp job I was doing which I should probably explain..
I was teaching flash to kids 9 to 15 for all of july and the first week of august. just the basics of short films and flash techniques; storyboarding, keyframes, movieclips, the timeline, etc etc etc.
anyways, because of doing that for five weeks, I kind of lost interest (during that period) in animating personally because my brain was so focused on the really bland, teaching parts of it, and not the fun expressive parts. so technically I've been animating most of the summer but its all been like, little tiny stuff.
now Im back, and I'm excited about it again. Im working on a little animation thats in another window on my screen RIGHT NOW. :)
I'd like to do some collab stuff soon if anyones around for that. just putting the word out. collabs are nice for me because I like animating short stuff.
everyone gave different answers. a bunch of people said that it's changed a lot, which makes a lot of sense to me after this whole teaching spell.
here's a really cool clip a friend of mine showed me last night, I dont know if zekey has already plugged it but here it is anyways.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgTbss1 Le1k&feature=quicklist&playnext=4&play next_from=QL
okay. thats it. bye:)