Hey everyone,
hope you've been enjoying spring/spring break/anticipating the easter break... :)
I just submitted something called Base Times Height. Go check it out if you have a second!
I've been really busy lately; I made that on the first weekend of march break a few weeks ago, and I've been caught up with school and other things so I haven't submitted it until now.
The weather here in Toronto has been great.. and I've been skateboarding a lot too.
A few weeks ago Surface Texture was screened at a festival called Videotivoli in Finland. I wasn't able to attend, but if anyone happened to have seen it, which would be pretty cool actually, let me know how the festival was. If you click through that link, surface texture is near the bottom of the page and they even gave it a cool Finnish name... PINTARAKENNE!
Im doing a mural project in my neighborhood with a local school as well. We'll be painting once it warms up some more, and Im looking forward to it.
Recently I read a book called Street Art: the Graffiti Revolution. If you see it in a shop, I highly recommend getting it. I was expecting to learn about some cool artists I hadn't heard of and look at some nice pictures, but Cedar Lewisohn went way further than that and gives a really interesting background on the growing up of graffiti and the transition to street art. Its a really great book.
On a related note, go check out wooster collective. Its essentially a wordpress blog, but the stuff they pick is really cool and probably stuff you wouldn't find otherwise.
Happy easter
hey dude just wanted to say that i love your movies and im looking forward to your future works!!!
super excited